Vaping Battery Safety: Parallel vs. Series Unregulated Mechanical Box Mods

Box mods have existed for quite some time. With the introduction of several of these new vaping devices on the market, a completely new learning curve in vaping battery safety has emerged. This article is for you if you want to obtain a dual-battery mechanical mod but aren’t sure what the difference between a parallel and series battery setup is.

While many vapers assume they know the difference between an Unregulated Parallel and Unregulated Series box mod, the truth is that the majority of individuals who use these devices have no idea how each of these circuits is connected. Even the smallest of errors may become a potentially deadly situation if you don’t know what you’re doing.

You may be confident in your knowledge of Ohm’s Law and the restrictions of your battery, but when you go out and buy that flashy new unregulated mod, you recall safety and realize you need to do some more study. You’ve come to the right spot.

Safety is dependent on the orientation of the vape battery.

Understanding the architecture of each of these components, as well as their battery orientation, is critical to your safety while utilizing an unregulated series or parallel box mod. Some media reports have claimed that vaping goods have exploded or caught fire when, in fact, they have been abused.

If your mod creates a hissing noise and you don’t remove the batteries quickly enough, you can wind up with a tragedy! You could get away with minor damage if you’re lucky; at worst, cells will hiss and release poisonous fumes, or worse, catch fire or explode. If this happens to you or someone you know, the simplest method to check for erroneous orientation is to remember that vaping batteries are designed to vent at the top, or positive end, so you’ll be able to see the damage and know it’s the wrong way around.

What Goes Wrong When a Battery Fails?

Venting happens when a battery fails because it needs to expel the harmful gas inside; when a battery vents, it begins to hiss. The most common reason for battery failure is battery shorting, which can be caused by either battery damage or human mistake.

When the positive and negative terminals of a battery are linked using a low resistance connection, a short circuit develops, allowing a high current to flow and, as a result, the transfer of a huge quantity of energy in a short period of time.

As a vaper, we all need to understand that checking to make sure our batteries are facing the right way (particularly in unregulated devices) before hitting the fire button will save us from disastrous circumstances like fire or explosion.

Your batteries will be connected in series to boost the voltage of your battery supply by connecting them from positive to negative.

When the batteries in an unregulated Series box mod are connected in series, the voltage delivered to the coil is stacked, creating a current from each battery at the same time, combining the voltage. The voltage is multiplied by the number of batteries, but the amp consumption stays the same.

Safety of the Series Dual Battery Box Mod

Series Dual Battery Box Mod Safety Parallel: By connecting your batteries from positive to positive and negative to negative, you will double your amps.

Unregulated Parallel box mods distribute power to two or more batteries at the same time. Because there is less pull on each cell in the circuit, the overall voltage remains the same as a single battery, extending battery life while boosting amps.

  • Safety of Parallel Dual Battery Box Mod
  • Safety of Parallel Dual Battery Box Mod
  • Selecting the Correct Battery

If you’re a seasoned vaper, you already know that battery selection is critical. If you’re new to vaping or shopping for your first vaping kit, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of coils, wicks, and tanks and overlook one of the most important aspects of any vaping setup: the battery.

When picking a battery, seek extended life, high performance, and, above all, safety, but it’s also important to look after and keep them safe after you have them. The battery options are restricted and will be determined by your arrangement. However, there are a few important considerations to make while selecting and caring for a battery:

Check Vape Batteries for Voltage and Temperature

When it comes to vaping, we must examine not only the capacity (how long the battery will last between charges) but also the current and voltage. A large-capacity battery cannot have a high current. A high-voltage battery will deliver more current to the coil, which is great for clouds and sub-ohm vaping. Temperature is even more critical than current, voltage, and capacity.

A battery’s lifespan is determined by the temperature at which it is used or charged. Higher temperatures will accelerate the aging of lower-cost batteries and increase the risk of their exploding. This might end up costing you more in the long run if it ruins your gear or causes harm, so pick wisely by looking over our list of the best 18650 batteries.

Vape Batteries: How to Use Them Safely

Sub-ohm vaping, which often takes a huge current to generate larger clouds, is the most major risk linked with vape batteries, which should not be a concern if used appropriately with suitable batteries.

When it comes to batteries, there are a few easy guidelines to follow. The most fundamental rule is to never exceed the amps of your battery. Never carry batteries in your pocket because they can be short with each other, keys, and coins, permanently damaging them or causing them to leak.

Is it Possible to Run Super Sub-Ohm Builds in a Safe Way?

“Is there a safe way to run my crazy sub-ohm builds?” a lot of vapers wonder. Well, the answer isn’t a simple yes, but rather a possibility. It depends on the Unregulated Parallel box you choose, but lower ohm setups may be safe. The most important thing to remember is to pay attention to the device’s safety ratings. If you’re not sure, look it up online or at your local vape store to see what your device can do.

For example, if you’re using a 0.12-ohm coil in a tube mod and drawing 35 amps, or if you’re using a 0.12-ohm coil in a series box mod and drawing 70 amps, it’s very hazardous. When using the same 0.12-ohm coil on an Unregulated Parallel box mod, however, you are only drawing 17.5 amps, splitting the amp draw between the two batteries, making this the safest option for an ultra sub-ohm construction.

What are the drawbacks of unrestricted box mods?

The battery is pointing in the wrong direction: Incorrectly inserting the batteries into the gadget causes them to short out and enter thermal runaway, forcing it to vent. Device damage, batteries hissing and leaking hazardous gas, and batteries catching fire or exploding are all possible outcomes of battery venting.

Build resistance is low: When you build dangerously low for a series box mod and don’t modify to compensate, the battery will go into thermal runaway and vent. Device damage, batteries hissing and leaking hazardous gas, and batteries catching fire or exploding are all possible outcomes of battery venting.

Not cleaning on a regular basis: When you don’t clean your vaping equipment on a regular basis, you risk exhausting the batteries at different levels since one contact is cleaner than the other, which is considered hazardous and harmful.


Whether you’re using an Unregulated Series or an Unregulated Parallel box mod, the key to staying safe is to tweak your build to get the most out of it. Both devices can produce the same amount of watts and hence the same amount of power.

Always keep safety in mind! Regardless of the arrangement, you should always use a new pair of batteries and never combine them with batteries of a different brand, age, or capacity, as this might result in tragedy. If one or both of them can’t keep up, it may have thermal runaway, forcing it to vent. Device damage, batteries hissing and leaking hazardous gas, and batteries catching fire or exploding are all possible outcomes of battery venting.
