How to Clean Vape Coils and Tanks

Why has my vape started to taste bad?

Have you noticed a weird taste on your vape, or has it lost its crisp, clear flavor? – That suggests it’s probably time for a cleaning.

The best method to ensure that your vape gear is always performing at its best is to maintain and clean it. Over time, the residue left by your vape juice will accumulate to the point where it will begin to damage the performance of your coils and taint the flavor of your juice.

There are a few common offenders in e-liquid substances that, regrettably, may hasten this process. Vegetable glycerin (VG), which is present in all juices (in various levels), is a component of the e-juice base and is responsible for vapor production. However, it can accumulate on coils because it’s a viscous liquid.

How to Clean Vape Coils and Tanks

On the other hand, VG is an important component of vape juice and isn’t as hazardous as other elements. The residue left on coils is also affected by flavorings, with dark spices appearing to be the worst. On the other hand, sweeteners are the most common flavoring cause that clogs coils (often referred to as coil killers). To assist intensify the flavor of their juices, some e-liquid makers go overboard with sweets. So, if you want very sweet tasting juice, be aware that the taste may not last long before you need to change or clean your coils.

Naked 100 and Twelve Monkeys Origins are two famous juice lines we’ve recently sampled that cut back on the sweetness while still delivering on flavor, but there are plenty more out there.

So we’ve established that a clogged coil can result in poor flavor, lower vapour production, and even a burnt-tasting vape. However, there might be other reasons why it doesn’t taste quite right.

How to Clean Vape Coils and Tanks

Juices that have been mixed

You’ve replaced your coil head, swapped juices, and drained your tank. Isn’t everything supposed to be fine?

No, occasionally, the flavor from your previous juice lingers and contaminates your fresh drink. Strong flavorings, such as tobacco, coffee, licorice, or menthol, are especially susceptible to this.

That’s why, before exchanging juices or coil heads in a tank, it’s usually a good idea to clean it thoroughly.

How to Clean Vape Coils and Tanks

It’s a brand-new tank with a brand-new coil.

New atomizers or tanks may appear spotless and brand new, yet they may have a faint whiff of machine oil. Unfortunately, it’s becoming rather typical that manufacturers don’t go the extra mile to clean the item after production thoroughly, so you’ll have to do it yourself.

There are several easy techniques to thoroughly clean everything and have the finest taste experience, whether you’re having troubles due to a well-used coil, mixed juices, or a fresh (but not clean) tank.

What is the best way to clean a vape tank?

Remove the coil from your vape tank as the first step in cleaning it (we cover the cleaning of coils later in this article). Then ensure sure any extra liquid is drained from the tank.

Most tanks are made up of numerous components and may be entirely dismantled for a thorough cleaning (see the manufacturer’s handbook or website for comprehensive instructions). When disassembling the tank, pay great attention to all of the pieces, particularly the o-rings, and make a mental note of where everything goes. Place all of the ingredients in a small bowl to keep them together, and then use one of the ways below.

Rinse at regular intervals

This is the simplest and most usual way to clean your tank, and it works best if it’s quite clear to begin with.

Assemble the tank and wash each component under running water (warm water is ideal) before drying with a paper towel. Allow them to air dry until there is no clear water or condensation. If your tank still doesn’t seem clean or is already somewhat dirty, you’ll need to do the next steps.

Fill a microwave-safe cup or bowl halfway with water and heat for two minutes. Rinse all portions of the tank while it’s heating, as previously suggested. After that, take the bowl/cup out of the microwave and submerge all of the pieces in hot water.

Wait until the water has cooled before proceeding. Then, one by one, remove all of the pieces and rinse as before, then dry with a paper towel. Allow all tank portions to dry fully with no apparent condensation, as previously. You may speed up the process by using a blow dryer, but be cautious not to overheat and break the o-rings.

Rinse with PG

You can use Propylene Glycol instead of water in the standard rinse technique (PG).

Fill a cup or bowl halfway with PG, add all of your tank’s components and let it sit for a couple of hours. Remove all parts and lay them on a paper towel to drip dry after the timer has expired.

Propylene Glycol, which works as a superb flavor transporter, effectively removes any residual flavor. Vegetable Glycerin (VG) should not be used since it is a considerably thicker liquid, making the cleaning procedure much more difficult.

Rinse with a cleaning agent

You’ll obtain greater results using a cleaning product if you require a deeper clean. However, rinse them carefully afterward to eliminate any leftovers, and always allow them to dry completely.

Vinegar is very acidic and may be an efficient cleaning agent, but it must be carefully rinsed to avoid lasting odor.

Another incredibly powerful cleaning agent is ethanol (grain alcohol). This is not to be confused with isopropyl alcohol, which should never be used in your aquarium.

Baking soda is a good cleaning chemical that may be used to restore the luster of tanks.

Cheap vodka isn’t as widely available, but it’s still affordable and effective at cleaning.

Some vapers have reported that lemon juice combined with water provides a decent clean. Others have suggested dish soap, but we wouldn’t recommend it because it’s more difficult to wipe out and any residue damage your juice.

Using ultrasonic technology

If things look nasty and you need to get a thorough cleaning, an ultrasonic cleaner is the best way to go.

Ultrasonic cleaners are generally used to clean valuable metals and jewelry, but they have become the go-to cleaning tool for vapers because of their extreme effectiveness. You won’t need anything special for vaping gear; any ultrasonic cleaner will suffice as long as it can perform 10-minute cycles.

Ultrasonic cleaners are also quite simple to use; fill it with water and lay your vape tank parts inside, then turn it on. It’s optional to use additional cleaning agents or a little dishwashing liquid. Always rinse your tank after each use and allow it to dry.

What is the best way to clean your coils?

Cleaning coils is more difficult than cleaning your tank, and in some situations, it’s best to replace them entirely.

How you clean a replacement coil depends on the type of replaceable coil you’re using—cleaning stock coils for tanks with a ring and absorbent wick housed in a metal shell.

Coils for rebuildable atomizers such as RDAs and RTAs, on the other hand, are much easier to maintain since you can remove the wicking material, properly clean the coil, and then replace it with a new one.

Stock coils must be cleaned.

All sub-ohm tanks come with replaceable stock coil heads that can be cleaned but not fully. Cleaning them out won’t entirely resuscitate them because the wick material is contained inside the coil head and wrapped around the coil, but it could give you a few more days of smoking.

Follow the steps below to clean your factory coils heads.

Allow your coil to soak for a few hours in ethanol, vinegar, or cheap vodka.

Under the tap, rinse the coil head.

Rinse once more but with distilled water this time.

On one side, blow air through the coil to drive any extra water out of the wicking holes. Rep the process numerous times.

Remove the coil and set it aside until all of the water has evaporated. A place in the sun or the use of a heater will hasten the process, but it will still take time.

Although this cleaning approach may remove some of the worst parts of debris and make the coil head appear brand new, there will still be buildup surrounding the coil, and your wicks will not be completely fresh. So don’t expect miracles; the coil head may still need to be replaced.

How to Clean Vape Coils and Tanks

Coils that can be rebuilt are cleaned.

If you’re using rebuildable coils in an RDA or RTA, cleaning them is not only simple, but it’s also something you should frequently do for appropriate maintenance and optimal performance.

To clean your rebuildable coil, follow these simple steps:

Remove the wicks from your coil first, as they will need to be replaced, and you don’t want to burn them while doing so. After you’ve removed the wicks, you may do a short dry burn on the coil by pulsing the fire button a few times on low power to eliminate the extra liquid and muck.

If it works, re-wick the coil, and you’ll be ready to go. If you’ve done that a few times and still think it needs to be cleaned more thoroughly, try the following:

  • Your coil’s wicks should be removed.
  • Dry-burn your curls lightly (use low wattage and don’t let them glow too much).
  • Remove the atomizer from your device and set it aside.
  • Submerge it in a tub of warm water.
  • Using a coil cleaning tool or a toothbrush, softly brush the coil.
  • Re-rinse the atomizer if necessary.

To eliminate any leftover water droplets, dry burn once more.

You may also perform those above using purified water or dishwashing liquid, although we don’t recommend it. If you use dishwashing liquid, make sure to completely clean and dry everything.

The actions outlined above will considerably extend the life of your coils. However, if you continue to notice that the performance is missing or the flavor is wrong, it’s time to replace it with a new one.

What is the best way to clean a vape pen?

Cleaning a vape pen might be a little more difficult, depending on the vape pen’s configuration.

If the vape pen has a detachable tank, you can clean it according to standard vape tank cleaning procedures. Please pay special attention to the battery portion of the vape pen and clean it off with a soft cloth. Water should not be used, and the charging ports and buttons should be handled with extreme caution.

If the vape pen is an all-in-one (AIO) and comprises one component, cleaning it will be much more difficult. Do not attempt to clean the entire item with water, as electronics and water do not mix properly. Using a Q-tip to clean your all-in-one vape pen is the easiest and safest technique (cotton bud). Soak it with Propylene Glycol or distilled water and clean the interior of the tank area thoroughly. For the greatest results, go over it several times and follow up with a dry Q-tip after the soaked one.

Changing the e-juice

Mixing e-juices, as previously noted, is another element that might make your vape taste bad.

Essentially, combining your juices or even brands of e-juices is not an issue. This is especially true if both liquids have a similar flavor profile; the resultant combination may taste great, and the original juice will ultimately drain out, leaving only the new flavor.

However, if the flavor profiles of the old and new juices are substantially different, things may start to taste unpleasant. If you’re moving between many other liquids, it’s good to clean your tank with one of the ways mentioned above. If you’re using a rebuildable, you might be able to get away with only changing the wicks and cleaning it.

Strong-flavored substances, such as tobacco, coffee, or menthol, will remain in the tank for a long time. Try smoking plain e-liquid with no taste to wash off the residual flavor.

Hopefully, following all of the suggestions above will help you get rid of that bad-tasting vape and achieve peak performance.
