Vape tanks are a necessary component of vaping equipment. You’ll need a vape tank if you’re a vaper. However, vape tanks can occasionally leak, causing a mess or possibly causing harm to your device.
Fortunately, there are non-leaking vape tanks available; we’ve compiled a list of the finest non-leaking vape tank alternatives for those wishing to get into vaping without the headache. We’ll also go over why vape tanks leak in the first place so you can take precautions to avoid it occurring again!
What’s the Deal with My Vape Tank Leaking?
Let’s have a look at some of the reasons why your current tank could be leaking in the first place before we get into the best leak-proof vape tanks:
Drip Tip Adapters: You may see E-Liquid and condensation gathering around the drip tip after vaping for a long time; this is normal. If you tend to tilt your mod when vaping and get E-Juice in your mouth, this is what’s going on. It isn’t a full-fledged leak, but it may leave e-liquid residue in some areas. It’s as simple as removing the drip tip and giving it a quick clean.
Broken Gaskets: If you discover a leak in your tank, inspect the O-rings and gasket for any holes or damage. If the gaskets or O-rings don’t have any tears or holes, it’s worth searching behind them to ensure they’re not coming from a fracture inside the tank. This is normal wear and tear on vape tanks that occurs over time. Contact the provider if you find broken o-rings or other components on a fresh new tank. Most tanks will include spare o-rings in the kit and instructions on how to replace them to prevent leaks in the future.
Not Enough Cotton: If you’re using an RTA and making your coils, you’re certainly aware that getting the coils’ wicking just perfect may be difficult. If you use too much wick, your vape will be dry and flavorless. Unfortunately, if there isn’t enough cotton wick, the juice will seep out of the airflow, causing issues. When it comes to wicking, certain RTAs are fickle than others, and others have top airflow, making leakage impossible. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the full leak-proof RTAs below.
Type of E-Liquid: Your e-mix liquid or ratio of VG to PG might potentially be a factor in why your vape tank is leaking. VG is a much thicker liquid than PG (thin like water). So, although vaping a high VG juice may prevent your tank from leaking, switching to a lower VG juice (greater PG content) can make the liquid thinner and easier to seep through holes in the wick. If you’re vaping juice with a high PG percentage, you’ll need an additional wick.
Cracked glass is the simplest problem to identify since it’s usually obvious merely by glancing at the tank and determining where the leak originates. Even the tiniest drop of a glass tank can cause a hairline break in the glass, which is difficult to see yet enough to pour juice all over your clothes. It’s a straightforward fix because you need to change the glass tube according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and many come with a spare in the kit.
The Best Non-Leaking RTA Tanks
Augvape Dual Intake RTA
Augvape Dual Intake RTA
Leaks are nearly impossible with the Augvape Intake Dual RTA’s top-mounted airflow.
This Twin is a 26mm dual coil RTA, and it’s an enhanced version of the excellent single-coil Intake RTA. The supplied extended bubble glass has a juice capacity of 5ml or 7ml.
With its postless deck, it’s quite simple to build on an incredibly forgiving when it comes to wicking. If your wicking game isn’t up to par, this is the tank for you.
Thanks to its unique top-to-side airflow design, this tank is a leak-proof monster. If you’re concerned that increased airflow may result in a loss of flavor, don’t be. This stuff still packs a punch in terms of taste and draws smoothly.
A great vape tank in general and our go-to for leak-proof construction. The Augvape Intake RTA is an excellent alternative if you’re looking for a single-coil.
The Augvape Intake contains ventilation channels at the top of the tank, which is why it doesn’t leak. Like many other tanks on our list, a top airflow system is a first and greatest step in preventing any undesired leaks (compared to a bottom airflow). However, airflow enters from the top and hits the sides of the coil with this RTA, and Augvape has done an excellent job of ensuring that the airflow is smooth and that taste is maximized. The Intake Dual RTA isn’t only a leak-proof tank; it’s also one of the greatest vape tanks on the market.
Zeus X by GeekVape (Single Coil & Mesh RTA)
Instead of using ordinary wire, the GeekVape Zeus X employs mesh coils, which are said to provide more taste. So, if you want superb flavor and a leak-proof vape tank, this is the tank for you. The Zeus X is a flexible tank with leak-proof technology, and when paired with GeekVape’s finest mesh coil, it produces great clouds and tastes without any ugly leaks.
Geekvape has dubbed the Zeus X RTA the finest leak-proof RTA because of its enhanced features and complicated 3d top airflow design. The ordinary Geekvape Zeus RTA is also a fantastic alternative if you’re searching for a basic coil option.
Because of the mesh coils in the tank’s construction, you’ll need to stuff it with many kinds of cotton, which means less wick equals less possibility of leaking. You can load a lot of wick behind these mesh coils. The Zeus X also has a top and top-mounted filling, allowing air to assist feed juice to the waves above while there are no additional exits for the liquid to leave beneath the coil. Large O-ring gaskets on the top and bottom of the tank prevent any leaks while you’re swishing around inside it.
NOW AVAILABLE: Hellvape Dead Rabbit V2 RTA
Dead Rabbit V2 by Hellvape (Single & Dual Coil RTA)
The Hellvape Dead Rabbit V2 is a tank known for its taste. It’s also a very adaptable top airflow tank with a four-post build deck that can handle both dual and single coil set-ups and is excellent at avoiding leaks. With a diameter of 25mm and a volume of 2ml or 5ml, it’s on the smaller side compared to several others. It also has a four-post construction deck on which a single coil may be run.
Why doesn’t this tank leak? It features a conventional cylindrical hood that covers the deck base and then another hood inside that one. A little amount of cushion space exists between them and around the perimeter of the two walls. The air is sucked in from the top and funneled down the side of the air pocket, preventing leakage.
E-liquid has a considerably harder time working its way up in top airflow tanks, which is another reason why this is an ideal choice for a leak-proof RTA.
RTA Wotofo Profile M
RTA Wotofo Profile M
The Wotofo Profile M is another mesh coil RTA and is great if you are a newbie vaper looking to explore rebuildable for the first time. It’s one of the smallest RTAs on the market, with a capacity of only 2ml of e-liquid yet a leak-proof construction. The Wotofo Profile M includes a specifically designed clamp deck compatible with Wotofo mesh rebuildable coils, which are included in the package.
The Wotofo mesh coils are pre-cut, and all you have to do is bend them around the supplied tool to get them into the deck, making it a simple set-up.
The honeycomb construction on the top fill and top airflow of the Profile M ensures that the tank produces outstanding taste while avoiding leaks. It also gives a great warm vape because it’s a short vape tank with mesh coils.
Why doesn’t this tank leak? It’s the same reason as the other best airflow vaping tanks on this list. The Wotofo Profile M is leak-proof in part because there is no place for the juice to seep from beneath the coil. To avoid any leakage from above, the top airflow design is sealed with thick o-rings. Like the other mesh coil tanks, you can cram a bunch of cotton below the coil, which further helps absorb any stray juice.
RTA Kylin M Leak Proof (Mesh & Single Coil)
RTA Kylin M Leak Proof (Mesh & Single Coil)
The Vandy Vape Kylin M was one of the earliest single/mesh coil tanks available, and it was promoted as a leak-proof RTA. The Kylin M has gone through several revisions, allowing Vandy Vape to perfect the leak-proof technology at long last.
Because the Kylin M RTA is a 24mm tank, it may be used with any vape mod. With the accompanying bubble glass, the tank volume may be changed between 3ml and 4.5ml. It includes a large bore drip tip and a detachable top cover for simple filling. It has mesh coils with resistances of 0.2 and 0.15 ohms. It uses a top airflow mechanism, just as the other vape tanks on our list. Even so, this one has a honeycomb pattern for maximum taste.
Why does this tank not leak? Like many other leak-proof tanks, this mesh coil RTA avoids vape tank leaks by pulling airflow from the top. Advanced channeling from the top perforations pushes the air towards the ring, pushing it to the coil base. Two chimneys on the deck only accept attitude from the maximum airflow. Thus there’s nowhere else for the juice to leak like other top airflow vape tanks. The cotton wick will absorb any residual fluid that collects behind the mesh coil.
BUY NOW The Best Non-Leaking Sub-Ohm Tanks
Zeus Sub Tank by GeekVape
Zeus Sub Ohm Tank by GeekVape
The Zeus sub-ohm tank has superior leak prevention technology as its RTA sibling. It has changeable mesh coils and two tank portions with e-liquid capacities of 3.5mL and 5mL, respectively.
The Geekvape Zeus Sub tank ranks among non-leaking sub-ohm vape tanks thanks to its great taste from the great mesh coils. The package includes Geekvapes’ Z1 0.4 Ohm Mesh Coil and Z2 0.2, Ohm Mesh Coil.
This tank features a top-fill and top ventilation mechanism to prevent leaks. The juice is delivered to the coil through the coil heads, properly cushioned with cotton. There is no airflow out of the waves or the tank’s bottom. The juice is solely supplied through the coil wick, and there is no way for any extra fluid to escape by the top airflow. Therefore there is no leaking. Any residual liquid in the tank chamber is used up during vaping rather than seeping out of tiny pores elsewhere.
Sub Ohm Tank with Augvape Intake
The Augvape Intake Sub Ohm tank is designed the same way as the popular RTA version, but instead of using your vape coils, it uses replaceable mesh coils. In the package, Augvape includes a 0.15ohm standard mesh coil and a 0.2ohm Clapton Mesh Coil.
The coils produce exceptional taste and performance, and the top airflow mechanism keeps the Intake from leaking while still providing a smooth draw.
With the straight glass, this 25mm diameter tank can hold 3.5mL of juice or 5mL with the bubble glass.
The replacement coils on this tank are incredibly well manufactured, which is why this tank does not leak. To optimize taste, the mesh coils feature a considerable number of flat cotton that presses up against the coil’s internal walls, as well as a Wood pulp cotton combination. This, along with the top airflow system’s great design, makes this an excellent leak-proof tank.
BUY THE UWell Crown V Sub Ohm Tank RIGHT NOW!
Crown of UWell
For years, the UWell Crown series has been one of the most popular and profitable sub-ohm tank lines. The Crown V comes with a 5ml juice capacity and is stainless steel and pyrex.
The Crown 5 tank is equipped with patented Self-Clean Technology, which decreases leakage and reduces coil cleaning frequency. The quarter-turn top cap makes refilling simple, and the filler ports have a silicone valve to keep the e-liquid from leaking and staying where it belongs.
The Uwell Crown 5 Coils line is likewise extensive, with a Plug’n’Play design that keeps things simple. All of the coils provide fantastic flavor and vapor.
When it comes to giving a wonderful vape experience, Uwell and Crown are names you can trust, and the Crown 5 has been refined with enhancements over prior models.
Why does this tank not leak? Because it is one of the few on our list that does not use top airflow. On the other hand, it includes built-in technology that is meant to avoid leakage. The airflow is also engineered to reduce condensation, and there is a self-cleaning mechanism to prevent build-up and juice leakage. Any excess liquid is absorbed inside the cotton rather than flowing through your vape device and battery.
NOW AVAILABLE: Aspire Revvo Sub Ohm Tank
Revvo Sub Ohm Tank by Aspire
The Aspire Revvo is the most distinctive tank on this list. The Revvo uses a coil that resembles a pizza rather than a vape coil.
The ARC, or ‘Aspire, Radial Coil,’ from Aspire sits horizontally in the tank, similar to a stove-top design. The larger surface area of the coil, which maximizes taste and vapor production, is a benefit of this design. The ring is made of Kanthal AF wire and is rated at 0.10-0.16ohm.
Revvo’s filling method additionally includes a locking pin that closes the tank chamber after refilling.
This tank, however, is at the bottom of our list because it’s a little out of date and getting difficult to find at vape shops, and it may have to be purchased as part of a kit. Still, it’s an excellent vape tank that produces a strong vape and is quite leak-proof.
The set-up of the Revvo isn’t like your standard sub-ohm tank, which is why it doesn’t leak. Unlike other tanks, which place the cartridge-style coil at the bottom, the Revvo tank places the ring on top of the airflow, similar to an RDTA. The ARC coil from Aspire has a design that allows a wick disc to sit on top of it while the airflow sits on top of it. Because you’re near to the coil, you get the fantastic flavor, and the juice is contained beneath the ring with nowhere to leak.
NOW AVAILABLE: VaporessoVeco Sub Ohm Tank
Sub Ohm Tank by Vaporesso
The VaporessoVeco is a sub-ohm vape tank that may be used for various purposes. The Veco was first offered as part of the Vaporesso Tarot Nano kit. Still, it quickly became known for its ease of use and leak-proof design features, including full airflow control and internal design components that enable you to change your coil without losing any vape juice.
With its EUC (Eco Universal Coil) coil system, the Veco sub-ohm tank was a revelation. The coils may be readily replaced by unscrewing the base cap, removing the old one, and replacing it with the new one. There’s no need to be concerned about messed-up deletions or cross-threading.
The coil choices are likewise great and economical, with few materials utilized in their production. There are mesh coil variations and ones that use tea-tree fibers to boost the taste.
Because the Veco tank has a 22mm diameter, it will fit on any vape mod.
Why this tank doesn’t leak: The combination of maximum airflow control and one of the first plug-and-play coil systems ensures that this vape tank doesn’t leak juice from the bottom airflow and doesn’t leak fluid from the top airflow. However, its innovative design and coil isolation compartment are also mess-free when changing coils.
NOW AVAILABLE: Leak-Proof Vaping Tanks
Hopefully, we’ve been able to assist you with any of your vape tank leak problems or directed you to some of the finest vape tanks on the market to avoid leaks.
The fact is that practically every vape tank may develop leaks, especially if it is used incorrectly. Fortunately, certain vape tanks on the market are leak-proof and deliver a good vaping experience.